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We are glad that you are interested in serving in our Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry!


We are always looking for faithful teens and adults to serve in our youth ministry program. We believe that solid ministry is built on relationships between the Core Team and youth. Relationships are key to youth feeling loved and accepted so that they can understand the love of God in practical ways. This is when real spiritual growth takes place in a youth's life. Youth Ministry requires a substantial team of volunteers working at all levels – from Core members who lead small groups to those who set up environments and serve food. The challenge of our Youth Ministry is to access the wealth and diversity of resources within our parish so as to provide a meaningful and effective faith formation program for younger and older adolescents which engages their energy, imagination, curiosity, compassion and playful spirit in exploration and engagement of our Catholic faith. Thus, the quality of our youth ministry volunteers is very important. We are looking for men and women who have made a commitment to Christ and a desire to care for youth. With the aid of prayer and consideration, please read below and watch the various videos on the CHOSEN, EDGE and LIFE TEEN pages to learn more. 


We encourage you to observe one of our youth ministry events before making your decision to apply. Because we place a great value on this ministry, we place a great value on our Core Team.


Once we have your application, I will contact you to schedule an appointment. All the information will be kept strictly confidential. Youth ministry is a great way to give of your time and serve the Lord.

I am looking forward to meeting with you and spending some time talking about your hopes and desires for ministry. If you have any need to reach me, please feel free to call or email.


- Joanna 

BSCC Youth Minister


CORE Identity:

A CORE Team Member is simply responding to their baptismal call to serve and build the Kingdom.

CORE Members are aged 16-99, who will be an important role model in the lives of the youth of St. John of the Cross parish. The approach to ministry should be rooted in service, commitment, and dedication to the Church and the youth you serve. CORE Members are one of the most vital parts of our Youth Ministry. First and foremost, CORE Members are mentors in faith to all our youth, knowing that how you live and act makes a strong impression on them. CORE Team Members work under the supervision of the Youth Minister for the purpose of assisting in the fulfilment of the Mission of our Youth Ministry.


CORE Behaviors: 

1) Always develop your spiritual relationship with God.

2) Be present to the youth.

3) Be a builder & protector of the holiness of our youth.


CORE Values:


1. Love

“We love because He first loved us” – 1 John 4:19. We must strive in all moments and circumstances to love others as Christ loved. This foundation, simple in premise and command, serves as the basis for our ministry.


2. Evangelization

We speak truth to God’s people, inviting them to know Him more deeply. Driven by a desire for all to know the mercy and love of God the Father.


3. Joy

We live by an unrelenting belief in the goodness of God, and in His desire not for our momentary happiness, but our everlasting life. The spirit of our Youth and Worship ministries is one of pure joy, keeping life in perspective and allowing the peace of God to reign in our hearts, regardless of what the world might bring at any given moment.


4. Vocation

We maintain openness to the call of God in our lives and a willingness to discern, respond and prioritize our lives according to that call. Whether designed for the religious, married, or single life, we not only embrace the vocation we were designed for but ensure that it remains primary, not allowing God’s work in ministry to overtake God’s call to holiness.


5. Affirmation

We refuse to be overwhelmed by the negativity pervading our culture. Words and actions are designed by the Creator to bring life to creation, not death. We make every effort and take every opportunity to build up the Kingdom on Earth, rather than tear it down.


6. Authenticity

We live authentically, not denying our human weakness or shying away from the need for personal improvement, but working toward holiness, with resolve. The world needs quality examples of Catholic men and women who live out their faith. As leaders in ministry, we live our faith authentically, providing the living example of a Christian and giving hope that others, too, can follow Christ.


7. A Eucharistic Spirituality

We seek to become one with Christ in all ways. Through a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother, we develop a more profound understanding of Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Scriptures, we grow in sanctity through the Incarnate Word. Through openness to the Charisms of the Holy Spirit, we allow God’s love to permeate this world. Through adherence to the Church that our Lord established, we act in obedience and humility. Through our frequenting of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist in Most Holy Communion, we become one with the living God. These intimate experiences with Christ are unmistakable signs of His love.

CORE Commitment:

The responsibilities of a CORE Team Member are held in high esteem. This position is one of the highest demanding volunteer position at our parish. Because of this, the labours of the vineyard are heavy, but so are the fruits of the harvest. The hours of each of our 3 Youth Ministries are below, and please check their individual pages for more info.

Core Team members are asked to come 30 minutes before each session.

Please discern which Ministry you feel called to (one or more), then click the link to apply. 


Monthly 4th Wednesday, 4:30pm - 5:30pm

(Core Team members can serve at one session)



Fridays Bi-Weekly, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

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